365 Stupidest Things Ever Said Page-A-Day Calendar 2023
Yes, they really said it. The beloved bestselling calendar is back with another year of celebrity gaffs, malapropisms, and facepalm moments that will make you cringe—then laugh at the utter inanity of it all. Badly worded governmental guidance: “You’ve got to have the get-up-and-go to stay at home during this threat.”—Connecticut governor Ned Lamont. Contradictory sports commentary: “He’s had his ups and downs but he’s been consistent.”—auto racing commentator Sally Nugent. Plus head-scratching headlines (POLICE: HORSE GIVEN VERBAL WARNING IN RUNAWAY INCIDENT), nonreassuring school signs (Bolton Academy: a Grate Place to Learn), and reasons NOT to call 911: “I got a new phone for Christmas and I wanted to be sure it was working.” Printed in Thailand on responsibly sourced paper and 100% recyclable.