Dog Trivia Page-A-Day Calendar 2023

Dog Trivia Page-A-Day Calendar 2023

Regular price $16.99
Fun facts to feed the dog lover’s obsession.

Packed with fascinating trivia, quizzes, breed profiles, jokes, and more, this calendar is pure joy for the dog lover. True or false: Most dogs spend about 80 percent of the day in a deep sleep. (False: Dogs usually spend about 50 percent of the day asleep, 30 percent loafing around, and 20 percent fully awake.) Get the facts about the dogs you love and think you know. Plus: Owner’s Tips, including how to make a giant ice pop to keep your pup cool. Know Your Breeds, from the Keeshond to the Maltese. Plus quotes and Did You Know?: A family in China thought it was odd when their “Tibetan Mastiff” growled incessantly and walked on two legs. They contacted authorities and found out their dog was actually an Asiatic black bear! Printed on responsibly sourced paper and 100% recyclable.