How to Buy the Right Plants, Tools, and Garden Supplies
Are you confused by all the choices when you visit a nursery? Do you get sticker shock when you see how much that nice little shade tree costs? Let Jim Fox, a nursery professional with over twenty years of experience, show you how to become a savvy garden consumer and get the most for your hard-earned landscaping dollars.
How to Buy the Right Plants, Tools, and Garden Supplies will arm you with a wealth of knowledge! You’ll learn how to determine if a plant is healthy, how to choose the right size, how to correctly read the plant tag, how to choose the best tools and supplies for your needs, and how to confidently recognize a well-made tool. In addition to helping you navigate the nursery, it tells you what you need to know before you get there and offers helpful tips on how to successfully garden once you get home.
With this essential guide in hand, you’ll never experience buyer’s remorse again!