Mind. Body. Kitchen.
Millions of people yo-yo in and out of diets, up and down with weight. It’s a vicious cycle, but Stacey Crew, certified health coach and bestselling author of The Organized Mom, says the way to break that cycle and find optimal health is to get your mind right, get your body moving, and get your kitchen in order. Marie Kondo meets Kayla Itsines in Mind. Body. Kitchen., your guide to creating a clutter-free, organized, and healthy kitchen—and transforming yourself in the process.
Part One focuses on creating a healthy you, with tips on practicing self-compassion, creating healthy routines, and fueling your body with proper nutrition. Part Two delves into how to organize, stock, and maintain a kitchen that facilitates a healthy lifestyle. From zoning your kitchen and fridge with Crew’s trademarked GOPACK organization method to meal planning and decluttering the rest of your home, you’ll be set for success. With full-color photography and helpful guides, charts, and tips throughout, Mind. Body. Kitchen. is the full-spectrum approach you need to make healthful changes that will last a lifetime.