Mr. Dimock Explores the Mysteries of the East
In an amusing and intriguing book, Edward Dimock takes us along on a spirited tour of India, starting in 1955, when he and his family first sailed to Bombay. From the bustling streets of Calcutta, where monkeys roam among thousands of people, to the tiny island of Diu, Dimock's brings him to the house of an elusive maharaja. A run-in with a water buffalo teaches him that things aren't always what they seem. The tale of an ascetic sage reveals the power of mediation. An ancient mythical figure by the name of Manu gives advice on how to live wisely.
Mr. Dimock Explores the Mysteries of the East traces Dimock's numerous trips across India and his explorations of its culture and customs. Whether he's haggling with gypsies or riding through town on an exotic land. Charming, playful, and full of insight, Mr. Dimock Explores the Mysteries of the East illuminates the wonders of India as well as the vibrant personality of its author.