Ocean Unseen Wall Calendar 2022
Celebrate the extraordinary and diverse life underneath the waves.
A colorful sea dragon floats above a forest of kelp. A sea turtle rests on a soft bed of seaweed. Clownfish nestle in the protective tentacles of a sea
anemone. And mother and baby humpback whales swim side by side, just below the surface. As climate change and pollution put the world’s oceans at risk, this is a calendar whose time has come. Each month is a vivid reminder of what’s at stake. For divers and for nature lovers, it’s a breathtaking tribute to the beauty of the ocean depths. For nature and science enthusiasts of all ages. Printed on FSC-certified paper.
A colorful sea dragon floats above a forest of kelp. A sea turtle rests on a soft bed of seaweed. Clownfish nestle in the protective tentacles of a sea
anemone. And mother and baby humpback whales swim side by side, just below the surface. As climate change and pollution put the world’s oceans at risk, this is a calendar whose time has come. Each month is a vivid reminder of what’s at stake. For divers and for nature lovers, it’s a breathtaking tribute to the beauty of the ocean depths. For nature and science enthusiasts of all ages. Printed on FSC-certified paper.