Star Wars: Dark Empire II
As Luke Skywalker searches the galaxy for clues to the history of the Jedi, Han and Leia lead the Alliance against a terrible new threat as a group of “Dark Jedi” fulfill the Emperors final mission.
Written by John Whitman, based on Tom Veitch’s comic
Directed by Arthur G. Insana
Music by John Williams
John Cygan as Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, Vill Goir, Okko, and Zevulon Veers
Joe Hacker as Han Solo, Boba Fett, Empatojayos Brand and Lo Khan
Ann Patricio as Princess Leia and Mon Mothma
Nick Jameson as Emperor Palpatine and Beltane
Jim Ward as C-3PO, Kam Solusar and Sedriss QL
Glynnis Talken as Salla Zend, Vima-Da-Boda, and Jem Ysanna