The 365 Smartest Things Ever Said! Page-A-Day Calendar 2017
People who deny the existence of dragons are often eaten by dragons. From within.
—Ursula K. LeGuin
Introducing a calendar to get every day off to a smart and inspired start. From the expert quote curators Ross and Kathryn Petras—whose books and calendars have sold over 5.6 million
copies—The 365 Smartest Things Ever Said! Calendar delivers hundreds of clever, witty, and insightful quotes from scientists, writers, philosophers, activists, comedians, and thinkers from all walks of life. From Anthony Bourdain (An ounce of sauce covers a multitude of sins) to Benjamin Franklin (Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults) to the practical wisdom of preacher Charles H. Spurgeon (Learn to say, “No,” and it will be of more use to you than to be able to read Latin), these are words to contemplate and expand your mind.
—Ursula K. LeGuin
Introducing a calendar to get every day off to a smart and inspired start. From the expert quote curators Ross and Kathryn Petras—whose books and calendars have sold over 5.6 million
copies—The 365 Smartest Things Ever Said! Calendar delivers hundreds of clever, witty, and insightful quotes from scientists, writers, philosophers, activists, comedians, and thinkers from all walks of life. From Anthony Bourdain (An ounce of sauce covers a multitude of sins) to Benjamin Franklin (Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults) to the practical wisdom of preacher Charles H. Spurgeon (Learn to say, “No,” and it will be of more use to you than to be able to read Latin), these are words to contemplate and expand your mind.