The Original Sloths Mini Wall Calendar 2019
The internet loves Sloths and you should too. —Buzzfeed
Sloths are champion loungers. Whether they’re munching on hibiscus or hanging from treetops, these sweet, sleepy creatures know how to kick back and relax. Get inspired by their chill vibe all year long with the SLOTHS MINI CALENDAR. Twelve months of adorable photographs: There’s Mateo, a baby sloth who likes to play with stuffed animals. There’s Velcro, named for his knack for dangling from jungle gyms and branches. And Jewel, who loves to hug anything that comes her way—tree trunks, branches, and especially other sloth friends.
Sloths are champion loungers. Whether they’re munching on hibiscus or hanging from treetops, these sweet, sleepy creatures know how to kick back and relax. Get inspired by their chill vibe all year long with the SLOTHS MINI CALENDAR. Twelve months of adorable photographs: There’s Mateo, a baby sloth who likes to play with stuffed animals. There’s Velcro, named for his knack for dangling from jungle gyms and branches. And Jewel, who loves to hug anything that comes her way—tree trunks, branches, and especially other sloth friends.