Unforgettable Senior Moments Page-A-Day Calendar 2023

Unforgettable Senior Moments Page-A-Day Calendar 2023

Regular price $16.99
A daily tribute to the mix of good old days and really bad memory.

“Nothing is more responsible for the ‘good old days’ than a bad memory,” writes columnist Franklin Pierce Adams. Featuring quotes, jokes, and hilarious real-life senior moments. Like the hapless engraver who forgot to fix a flaw in the mold for Chile’s new 50-peso coin, putting 1.5 million pieces that said REPUBLIC OF CHIIE in circulation. Or the English man who parked his car and then couldn’t find it—for seven months. Plus Confusion in the Court, Head-Scratching Headlines (“State Population to Double by 2040; Babies to Blame”), and fascinating facts: Scientists believe irisin, released during exercise, may reduce memory loss and improve brain health. So go for that walk! Printed on responsibly sourced paper and 100% recyclable.